Saturday, August 30, 2014

Rain, Pest & Disease Forecast & Advisory FOR Sep- October by Dr. S.S. NAKAT.

With el -Niño  recession & no major Sun storms after 3 consecutive sun storms  in June till date,the chances of the good real monsoon has brighten as predicted previously during Ganesh festival & Navratri festivals  .Further as per IMD  avg of 94_+7%  Rain fall   to be made now henceforth. Therefore, it is likely to rain almost mod to heavily & daily till 10th Sept 2014.

We may have a respite  from the the rains  after 13th to 27th Sept and again rains are likely to be heavy  from 27th Sept till mid-October  ( again good rains in NAVRATRI Period)where the average have occurred and  may be extended till 23rd Diwali where the average have not made. Over all to me,
THIS YEAR appears to be  “ FUNGICIDE YEAR due to  WET  weather  “
These rains at the fag end of return monsoon  will have a good impact on  all DAM Water levels as well as Well water levels ultimately GOOD RABI Prospects. Early sown large acre crops soya Cotton Jowar Bajra likely to suffer from the lodging & grain sprouting damages.
As the rains are Mod-heavy during the sept end occurrence & management of various crop pest & disease are detailed below .

BPH will Increse SB & Paddy Blast with BLB chances are very high on Paddy  good for the chess launch Gain /Tilt Blue copper Actara> LAPA  will be having a good scope

Maize Corn
Good sowing but of a local low cost hybrids due to paucity of rains Now in few places farmers still in irrigated areas will sow the maize hybrids advising after 15th to 25th Sept as low rains are expected good scope  for our see

Bajra Sorghum
Late bajra likely to be hit by the rains lodging &  grain sprouting likely  The Blisterbeetle attack likely to be sever at grain formation stage.

Cotton early sown likely to  suffer  from Anthracnose ,Bacterial, Boll rot, Lalya will be heavy,  good Mites & Jassids buildup till sept end  . Late sown cotton vast acreages will get submerged with yellowing in low land areas and will be infected with the ALS, Boll rot ,Parawilt (Cobalt chloride 5gm/500lts) ,& then with DAHIYA ( Tilt ,Blue copper); Lalya  Red Leaf (MgSO4+Isabion 75 90DAG)  Jassids, Thrips, Leaf roller, LE Caterpillar (Alika /Polo and Tilt +Blue copper for Xanthomonas  black leg ) will be having very good scope.  ISABIOn +Tilt  for submerged stagnant water areas too. Gramoxon again will be in demand due to Vapsa problem in deep black cotton soil of VIDMARKHAN areas for weed control in cotton & also Rabi crop sowing

Early soyabean sown will have a problem of pod blight due to Phytopthora/Rhizoctonia   0.25% Rido Gold good scope for the seed area . The late sown vast areas will be in the flowering ,podding stage likely to attack by the Girdle beetle, Leaf /pod  eating c pillars,  Green Semi Looper,Prodenia,Heliothis hairy c pillars  for which we may advise Proclaim /Matador a/w Tilt for the disease like Alt ,Anthracnose 2, Cercospora Leaf spots or rust in ( WM) In Vidarbha one may see the Bacterial pustules  for which Blue copper strepto needs to advised later on Frogeye leafspot .
The moisture in the soil will results in to the morning dews with high moisture will be congenial for the late sown soya diseases  in October nov also at grain development  stage which may increase Frog eye Leaf spot and also the Pod blight affecting  the quality of the grains & seed germination. Hence,
application of Ridomil gold 3g/lt  for seeds plot area atleast should be advise otherwise this year also may have an impact on the seed quality like last year.

Tur is likely to be in the grand growth stage infested with weeds good scope for Gramoxon with hood   in inter row. Similarly due to more humidity dew cercospora L spots likely hence, apply Tilt 0.5ml/lt  with  ISABION   Very Good tur prospects  in NKN MS AP. Apply on No Moon Day Proclaim & Full moon day Matador will be best fit for pod borer management.  After 80% pod set apply ISABION 0.2% + Urea 2%.Gr Nut Saurashtra
 Late tikka & Rust disease are likely to be heavy hence spraying of Tilt >Score 1ml/lt should advised 50DAG apply CaSO4 Gypsum at Peg initiation
Early Rabi Jowar may be having a problem of Helmithosporium L spot & Stem fly attack hence , Cruiser St > Tilt/Score 0.5ml/lt +ISABION 1ml/lt .                                                                             
Many farmers may also go for the Safflower /Gram sowing, ST with Cruiser+ Carbendazim for  Aphids  , Gonocephalum beetle  (locally called as Black Buffalo ( mhais)+Fusarium/ rhizoctonia  management

Tomato Chilli  Melons Cucurbits Gourds
High RH will have Leaf fruit spots and nurseries need a protection from water damping off raised beds St with Apron Cruiser or at  4L stages seedling  drench spray with Actara 1g/lt+ Amistar 0.8ml/lt  Toato chilli will be highly infected with mite thrips prying of Alika in early stages or Pegasus for late stage post fruiting needs to be advised  for fruit borers advising Proclaim alternated with Matador preferably during Amas & Pournima respectively is highly advisable. 15 to 30 th of Sept prophylactic spraying of  Ridogold>Revus> Amistar > Score Kavach  strategy is best at 7 days interval to take care of buck eye spot, Phytophthora on solanacea /cucurbutacae  ,melon crops .
There is a newly introduced Lepidopteran internal borer pest TOMATO PIN WORM ( TPW )which has been now introduced & spread all over MS will need a special attention as the prices are very good but once they drop down due to mkt glut. Then farmers will face a problem with this new pest  due to their negligence in spraying insecticide resulting in buildup of TPW pest  & its further spread which can be dangerous like leaf miner +fruit borer  TPW= T LM +Heliothis.

Early sown onions in Pune Nagar,Nashik  &Satara areas may be hit by the rains with Phytophthora, Pythium & & many farmers have gone for the Nurseries may be infected   Damping off ,DMD  Hence, spraying of RDG 2g/lt> Revus +Score >  Tilt3-5ml/15lt  + 1ml/lt Amistar will be highly useful a/w ISABION. If submerged apply Isabion + Amistar 1ml/lt+Tilt 0.3ml/lt on seedlings.

Beans  French Beans
  Rust management & then the inflorescence larval management for good pod setting with Tilt/ Amistar + Proclaim/ Matador will be needed in Pune Satara & early sown Pea areas of Saswad ,  Ambegaon Purandar of Pune Distt &  Parner Nagar distt

3Kh Potatoes in Pune Satara areas will need to control  right now early blight & after 15 th Sept Late bight  Potato Tuber Moth ( PTM)advising now score Kavach > RdRRA from 20th Sept to 2oth October at 5-7
day interval  will be highly useful for these growers. For armyworm & PTM they can spray Proclaim Actara+ Matador on new moon & full moon days.

Phytopthora fruit drop likely RDG good scope .For spoiled Mrug bahar farmers may apply 15ml/plant CULTAR  for >10yr old plants during Sept end to 15th October 120days before flowering  for the Ambiya bahar. For mrug bahar sw oranges & mandarin watch for fruit drop  apply bl copper+Tilt , for Chandani  due to mites in Vidarbha  manage with Thionutri spray ^
Citrus may suffer from Gummosis apply  Bordo pasting on infected stem post monsoon or take out  the gum on the infected stem  & apply Ridomil gold 50g/lt pasting  & soil drench RDG 2g/lt to infected plants nearby 4 plants  or spray with Ridogold 3g/lt  2 x on sept 15th & 25th .

Mrug bahar fruiting taking place Bl copper stepto alternated with Actara 80g/acre + Cumanl 3ml/lt+ 0.5ml/lt Tilt at (choukdi) bud stage 2x at 3 day interval   or  proclaim + Actara + Amistar if it is in bud elongation or  flowering fruit setting stage or Proclaim /Matador+ score+ Kavach for L& fruit spots at fruit setting stage. Give Isabion 1lt  below with  1kg each Zn MnSO4 &  05kg Boron . Continue 12:61  or 19:19:19 during fruit setting 2nd NK  13045 dose after fruit set  .
Ambe Bahar fruit will be ready now apply Score+ Kavcah & last spray of Amistar 1ml/lt as pre harvest spray for post harvest diseases during transport sale  late ambiya may have aproblem of the Fruit sucking moth Fruit drop due to Plague Phytoptora
Green manuring   OILY spot can increase with increased rains  Don’t take Mrug bahar Give a rest to orchard,  broadcast  sunhemp seeds 15kg/acre  & plow back after 35 days apply. Regularly  apply Bl copper +strepto / CuOH+Bronopol  to infected plants while non infected may be regularly sprayed with 1% BM, Blue copper 3g/lt .apply low N if there are lightenings now.
Take late Hastha bahar or Ambiya bahar as low temp will reduce the intensity of oily spot. Application of Salycilic acid 3g/10lt in the morning & evening BC strepto is recommended by NRCPome for the Mrug bahar fruit bearing trees at monthly interval 3x till fruit set.

 Watch for DMD, Anthracnose on new leaked orchards. one can see on the unattended garden huge spore load of the anthracnose ,PMD & DMD .Hence Advise 1% BM/ 0.3% B Copper + chitosan2ml/lt or for those who are going for pruning give a blanket spray of 0.2% Kavach +Curacron for reducing spore load ,mealy bug & udadhya beetle.

As there are good rains from 28th sept to 23rd October in rain deficient areas & subsequent high soil moisture dews in November end , farmers will need to control Antracnose /DMD  till temp are low. our RRRA strategy is best fit (from IDM,FRM, UMOA)  Pruning can be best after 2oth October but still due to high soil moisture heavy dew may necessitate use of RRRA for anthracnose,& DMD management this year.
Post Monsoon season.PMD management will be task for the grape growers .
 PMD may be important as after mid Nov there is good cold can continue till Feb end for almost 3months.  The basics of PMD management after berry set lies in prophylactic management of PMD  in 4
early stages by applying Kavach+ Thionutri for spore load before e pruning  > Rido gold +Thionutri 5L stage >Revus +Score Ponga /flowering  during pre-bloom stage till 2Weeks after fruit set.  By applying  
Revus score Or Amistar Score at 100% cap fall & then Score >Thionutri> Score till 8mm berry size. This is inbuilt in our  Grape ICS
Farmers may go for the pruning after 13th Sept but may be in problem by 13th October at flowering with Bunch Rot, flower shading
This year early pruners may suffer from the flower shading in pre-bloom stage after GA sprays as there is likely rains during 28th Sept to 15th October  Use of tilt 15-20ml after failfut may be necessary to protect the yields specially in SONAKKA to some extent Thomson.

This year being El Niño year & the monsoon will be till October end  is likely to have a huge impact on the SIGATOKA disease.  Very good scope for the 1ml/lt TILT/ SCORE now a/w Sandovit o.5 ml/lt  & Then Kavach 1.5g/lt on Old Kande Bag & Mrug bag Banana . ISABION 1lt + Actara 150gm/acre   in the drip for 3month old Mrug Bag, coming Kande bag new planting. For old Kande bag ready for harvest in next few months use 0050 + Isabion   2lt /acre.

Due to return monsoon heavy rains in Konkan area there is likely erosion of the applied Cultar from July Aug month  Hence  Cultar use thru spray followed by KNO3 spray in October  end to Mid Nov assures flowering as per the new observation/ practices done by few progressive farmers of Konkan .
ANWALA   Indian goose berries
Rust likely to be severe mid sept  spraying  0.05%Score+0.15% Kavach + 100gm/acre Proclaim or 250ml/acre Matador  2x at 15 days interval  followed by  > Pre harvest spray for post-harvest disease  with AMISTAR  one Month before Harvest
Hope this will give you an overall idea about the rains pest & disease situation & the advice during the village meetings
Best of Luck

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