What is dairy ?
A dairy is a facility for the extraction and processing of animal milk - mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or camels - for human consumption. Typically it is a farm (dairy farm) or section of a farm that is concerned with the production of milk, butter and cheese.
- Punjab Milk Federation, Punjab http://www.nic.in/milkfed
- Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd http://www.vitaindia.com
- Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. http://www.amul.com
- Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Co-operative Federation Ltd. http://www.apdairy.com
- Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd. http://www.mpcdf.nic.in
- Indian Dairy Association http://www.indiandairyassociation.com
- National Tree Growers' Cooperative Federation http://www.ntgcf.org
- Department of Agriculture and Co-operation http://www.nic.in/agricoop
- Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying http://www.nic.in/dahd
- Department of Food Processing Industries http://www.nic.in/mofpi
- Department of Agriculture and Research / ICAR http://www.nic.in/icar
- Department of Commerce http://www.commin.nic.in
- Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs http://www.mpa.nic.in
- Department of Commerce http://www.commin.nic.in
- Department of Programme Implementation http://www.nic.in/dpi
- Ministry of Rural Development http://www.rural.nic.in
- Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) http://www.apeda.com
- All India Weather (IMD) / Satellite Inference (IMD) http://www.weather.delhi.nic.in
- Census of India http://www.censusindia.net
- GOI Taskforces Councils and Documents http://www.goidirectory.nic.in/taskforce.net
- States and Union Territories http://www.goidirectory.nic.in/stateut.htm
- World Bank http://www.worldbank.org
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) http://www.fao.org
- United States Department. of Agriculture- Agencies, Services and Programs http://www.usda.gov/services.htm
- United States Dept. of Agriculture - Dairy Programs, Service & Resources http://www.ams.usda.gov/dairy
- United States Department. of Agriculture - Foreign Agricultural Services http://www.fas.usda.gov
- Institutions of the European Union http://www.europa.eu.int/inst-en.htm
- World Trade Organization http://www.wto.org
- National Dairy Council of Canada http://www.dairy.ca
- Dairy Australia http://www.dairy.com.au
- Danish Dairy Board, Denmark http://www.mejeri.dk
- Argentina Dairy http://www.cil.org.ar
- Lower Saxony Regional Dairy Industry Association, Germany http://www.milchwirtschaft.de/home.htm
- Directorate of Animal Health and Animal Product Quality, Belgium http://www.cmlag.fgov.be/eng/dg5_eng.htm
- DairyNet : Database of UK Dairy Industry http://www.dairynet.co.uk
- Irish Dairy Board http://www.idb.ie
- The United Kingdom Dairy Association C/o National Dairy Council http://www.ndc.uk.com
- Finnish Food and Drink Industries' Federation, Finland http:// www.etl.fi/ewww/liitto.html
- New Zealand Dairy Board http://www.nzmilk.co.nz
- International Dairy Foods Association http://www.idfa.org
- United States National Committee of the International Dairy Federation c/o IDFA http://www.idfa.org
- The US Dairy Export Council www.usdec.org Dairy Herd Management. http://www.dairyherd.com
- Canadian Dairy Network http://www.cdn.ca
- New South Wales Dairy Corporation World Dairy Expo http://www.world-dairy-expo.com
- Dairy Max - Links of Internet for Dairy Farmers http://www.dairymax.org
- California Dairy Research Foundation http://www.cdrf.org
- Dairy NZ - Online Information for the New Zealand Dairy & Agricultural Industry http://www.dairynz.co.nz