What is Agriculture ?
Agriculture is the production of food and goods through farming.
Are you know about the history of agriculture ?
Agriculture was developed at least 10,000 years ago,and it has undergone significant developments since the time of the earliest cultivation. Evidence points to the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East as the site of the earliest planned sowing and harvesting of plants that had previously been gathered in the wild. Independent development of agriculture is also believed to have occurred in northern and southern China, Africa's Sahel, New Guinea and several regions of the Americas. Agricultural practices such as irrigation, crop rotation, fertilizers, and pesticides were developed long ago but have made great strides in the past century. The Haber-Bosch method for synthesizing ammonium nitrate represented a major breakthrough and allowed crop yields to overcome previous constraints.
In the past century, agriculture has been characterized by enhanced productivity, the replacement of human labor by synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, selective breeding, and mechanization. The recent history of agriculture has been closely tied with a range of political issues including water pollution, biofuels, genetically modified organisms, tariffs, and farm subsidies. In recent years, there has been a backlash against the external environmental effects of mechanized agriculture, and increasing support for the organic movement and sustainable agriculture.
Sumerian harvester's sickle, 3000 BC, made from baked clay.
Agriculture Statistics :
A global spatial database of subnational agricultural land-use statistics.
AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system of water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Development Division of FAO. AQUASTAT provides users with comprehensive statistics on the state of agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on developing countries and countries in transition. CountrySTAT
A national statistical information system for food and agriculture. CountrySTAT harmonizes and integrates data on food and agriculture coming from different sources. Through a core database, policy makers and researchers can group data across thematic areas -- such as production, trade and consumption -- in order to study relationships and processes.
The FAO Statistical Database is an on-line multilingual database currently containing over 1 million time-series records from over 210 countries and territories covering statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population.
Provides statistics on crops, livestock, irrigation, land use, fertilizer, pesticide consumption, and agricultural machinery
Provides statistics on fish production and primary products
Provides statistics on imports and exports of woods and paper
Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics
The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department provides advice and objective information to Members to help promote responsible aquaculture and fisheries. To fulfil this role, the Department compiles, analyses and disseminates fishery data, structured within data collections. Forestry Country Profiles
Forestry Country Profiles contain statistics on forest and forestry issues on a country by country basis including forest cover, plantations, volume and biomass and fires.
The Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas (GLiPHA), is a user-friendly, highly interactive electronic atlas using the Key Indicator Display System ( KIDS) developed by FAO. The atlas provides a scaleable overview of spatial and temporal variation of quantitative information related to animal production and health through the combination of maps, tables and charts.
PAAT Information system
The PAAT secretariat combines the forces of FAO, WHO, IAEA, and OAU/IBAR to promote integrated trypanosomiasis control through coordinated international action. The ultimate goal is to improve food security and sustainable agricultural and rural development.
Land resource potential and constraints statistics at country and regional level. Statistics are based on various small scale maps and inventories that were not always up to date, reliable or both.