Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Seed general information,Seed production,National seed acts/rules.

Seed Development after Independence in Maharashtra

Introduction :
Seed is the most cost efficient means of increasing agricultural production and productivity. Improved seeds
has a special place amongst all the inputs required for agricultural production. The use of inputs like irrigation,
fertilizers, pesticides depends on rainfall situation.

This is not in case with of improved seeds. The farmers plan and commit themselves purchase to the improved seed much in advance on set of season. The seed production and distribution planning is thus different and much more important to the farmers. Till early fifties, most of the farmers used to be largely independent in respect of seed. Taluka seed multiplication farms were established in the IInd Five Year Plan with an object of producing foundation seed to be multiplied on the farms of registered seed growers and made available to the farmers for general cultivation. With the advent of hybrid technology,the seed scenario changed radically.

Following are the important milestones in the development of seed sector.

Signing of agreement by ICAR with Rockfeller Foundation to establish All India Coordinated Crop
Improvement Projects in 1957.
Release of first four hybrids in Maize in the year 1961, followed by Sorghum in 1962, Bajra in 1963.
Introduction of high yielding varieties of Wheat in 1964, Paddy in 1965 and Cotton hybrids in 1968.
Adoption of High Yielding Varieties programme by GOI in 1965 and ushering of " Green
Revolution" in mid sixties.
Establishment of National Seeds Corporation in 1963 for undertaking systematic production of
breeder, foundation and certified seeds and guidance to Seed Industry.
Passing of Seeds Act 1966 and adoption of Seed Rules 1968.
Establishment of Central Seed Certification Board in 1969.
Establishment of State Seed Certification Agency in Maharashtra in 1970.
Establishment of Maharashtra State Seeds Corporation in 1976 under NSP.
Establishment of autonomous Maharashtra State Seed Certification agency in 1982.
Introduction of New policy of seed development by GOI in October,1988.
Implementation of Seed (Control) Order 1983 with effect from July, 1994.

For more information visit : http://seednet.gov.in/

1 comment:

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